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endearru(0232) 464 09 34Mon - Sat: 8:30 - 19:00 FREE HAIR ANALYSIS

Fue Hair Transplant

About Fue Hair Transplant

Fue Hair Transplant

In the FUE hair transplantation method, hair follicles are transferred to cylindrical tips with a micro motor.Are collected one by one. Grafts, that is, hair follicles in twos, threes, fours or fives hair cells.First of all, the hair is shaved to 1 mm, the front hairline is prepared to be designed, local anesthesia is applied to the donor area and the area to be transplanted with a pressurized needle-free anesthesia gun. Depending on the patient’s need in the balding area and the hair density in the donor area, 2000-5000 grafts can be taken in one session. If the patient needs more grafts than this, a second session can be performed or grafts can be taken from the beard area for male patients. The grafts are taken from the donor area by separating them according to whether they are one, two, three, four, five, and these grafts are kept at a certain temperature in petri dishes. Meals, breaks, etc. at the patient’s request. After their needs are met, channels are made in the areas to be planted with the help of a Sapphire Tipped Pen. Graft placement in the canals starts from the anterior region and continues towards the posterior regions. In order to make the hair look natural, single roots are placed in the front in its natural direction. Double, triple, quadruple, quintuple roots are placed in the back regions in their natural direction. In the final part, the donor area is bandaged. In the FUE method, the donor area must be handled very carefully to avoid damage. FUE
In hair transplantation method, there is no scar in the donor area.

Advantages of FUE Hair Transplant
  • Natural appearance: The FUE method ensures that the results look natural and intense thanks to the individual removal of the hair follicles.
  • Sapphire Tipped Pen: Unlike other canal opening methods, the healing process is reduced to the shortest time by performing the canal opening process with Sapphire Tipped Pen.
  • Minimal Recovery Time: The recovery process after FUE hair transplantation is quick and patients can usually return to their daily activities within a few days.
  • Leaves No Scars: FUE hair transplantation is performed without stitches or scars, which is aesthetically advantageous after the procedure.
  • Suitable for Every Hair Type: FUE is a suitable option for every hair type and color. It can also include body hair and beard transplantation.
  • Personalized Treatment: A customized treatment plan is created for each patient, ensuring that individual needs are met.

Anesthesia and Pain

FUE hair transplantation is performed under local anesthesia, anesthesia is started with a pressurized needle-free anesthesia gun to minimize pain. Patients are usually comfortable during the procedure.

FUE Process Stages

The FUE hair transplantation process includes careful examination of the scalp, opening the canal with the help of a sapphire-tipped pen, extracting hair follicles, transplanting them to the recipient area and aftercare stages, dressing of the donor area on the first day after transplantation, first washing on the third day, scab removal on the tenth day, PRP-Mesotherapy stages in the fourth month. Every step is meticulously done.

Post Hair Transplant Care

It requires careful care after hair transplantation. In order to prevent the edemas predicted after local anesthesia from descending to the facial region and to remove them from the back of the head region, care should be taken to ensure that the head region is in a 45-degree lying position towards the back for approximately the first ten days during the sleeping periods. Your doctor will give you instructions for post-procedure care and necessary medication. It is important to be careful, especially in the first few weeks.

Hair Transplant Results

Usually starts to become apparent in the months after the procedure. After the first month, there is usually shock hair loss and then new hair starts to grow. Full results may take a few months, but usually patients regain thicker and natural-looking hair.

FUE Hair Traansplant Recovery Process

The recovery process can vary from person to person, but usually patients can return to work or daily activities quickly. Symptoms such as swelling, redness and crusting may occur after the procedure, but this is temporary.

Performed by experienced hair transplant doctors in specialized clinics such as Demiderm Hair Transplant Polyclinic, FUE hair transplantation is an effective option to provide natural and permanent results for people struggling with hair loss. You can contact our experts for more information and a personal assessment of this process.

Demiderm Hair Polyclinic

The FUE hair transplant procedure requires a personalized treatment plan and your doctor will examine your hair condition to determine what is most suitable for you. This method can be an effective option for solving hair loss.


It is important to consult hair transplant specialists to get a personalized consultation and treatment plan.

Appointment and Contact Line

Contact Line: (0232) 464 09 34 

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