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endearru(0232) 464 09 34Mon - Sat: 8:30 - 19:00 FREE HAIR ANALYSIS

PRP Hair Treatment

About PRP Hair Treatment

PRP Hair Treatment

PRP, known as platelet-rich plasma therapy (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a blood sample taken from a person after it has been passed, injected into the necessary body tissues.
Is the treatment applied. PRP treatment, such as skin rejuvenation and hair loss
can be applied as a remedy for aesthetic problems. But the only application of treatment
area is not for aesthetic purposes, because injured ligaments, muscles, tendons and
it is also used to accelerate the healing process of the joints 
is the method. PRP Hair application has sparse and weak hair
to help individuals make their hair healthy and strong again
is a contributing treatment method. Great benefits in a short time
PRP Hair treatment, which is applied to prevent hair loss
has become one of the most effective methods. With PRP Hair application, the person
blood material is applied to the scalp so that the hair is aimed at repairing the roots.

Advantages of PRP Hair Treatment:
  • Natural and Safe: PRP involves injecting rich plasma from the patient's own blood into the scalp. Therefore, it is a natural and safe treatment method.
  • Revitalizes Hair Roots: PRP reduces hair loss by revitalizing hair follicles and supports new hair growth.
  • Personalized Treatment: A customized treatment plan is created according to the needs of each patient. This increases the effectiveness of treatment.
  • Fast and Effective: PRP hair treatment can be applied quickly and patients can usually return to their daily activities immediately.
  • Application Areas: In addition to hair loss, PRP can be used in different areas such as accelerating recovery after hair transplantation, eyebrows and beard area.

Anesthesia and Pain

Local anesthesia is applied during PRP Hair Treatment, so patients do not feel pain. It offers a comfortable treatment experience.

PRP Process Stages:

The treatment includes careful preparation of the scalp, blood sampling, PRP application and post-procedure care. Every step is meticulously carried out.


A special care plan is created for patients after PRP treatment. This plan is designed to prevent hair loss and promote healthy hair growth.

Treatment Outcomes:

PRP treatment results are usually evident within a few months. Patients regain healthier, vibrant and lush hair.

PRP Hair Treatment Recovery Process:

The recovery process varies from individual to individual, but usually patients can quickly return to their daily activities. Symptoms such as swelling or redness are temporary.

PRP hair treatment performed by experienced hair treatment specialists in specialized clinics such as Demiderm Hair Transplantation Polyclinic offers a natural and effective solution to people struggling with hair loss. This treatment involves the use of platelet-rich plasma from the patient’s own blood to strengthen and revitalize the hair follicles. PRP hair treatment is an effective option to provide lasting results and restore the natural appearance of hair. You can contact our experts for more information and a personal assessment.

Demiderm Hair Polyclinic

PRP hair treatment requires a personalized treatment plan and your specialist doctor will evaluate your hair condition and work to determine what is most suitable for you. This method stands out as an effective solution for hair loss.


It is important to consult hair transplant specialists to get a personalized consultation and treatment plan.

Appointment and Contact Line

Contact Line: 0232 464 09 34

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